The Friheim concept is going to take you on a journey of self-discovery on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Our classes are built upon the Element Cycle®️, the ancient principles of Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit. During the whole, week based, cycle, you will be taken on a journey through all the elements on a physical and spiritual level.
Friheim is our SAFE HOUSE. A place where gender, race, age, sexuality, politics, religion and cultural differences are absent. The place where you are free. The place where time stops. The place you will experience support, encouragement, love and laughter, great stories and atmosphere that will make you feel like a hero in your own movie. What makes you the hero in your own movie? It’s challenges you will encounter. You, finding the way to work with them, prevail and be victorious. Whoever you are and whatever your challenges may be.